LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart – Homework Solution

LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart – Homework Solution

Organizational Change Chart

Organizational Information

Select an organization that needed a change to its culture as you complete the organizational change information chart.

For each type of information listed in the first column, include details about the organization in the second column.

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Indicate your suggested actions for improvement in the third column.

LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart - Homework Solution

LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart – Homework Solution

Type Details Suggested Actions for Improvement
Vision Insert the organization’s vision.
Mission Insert the organization’s mission.
Purpose Insert the organization’s purpose.
Values Insert a list of the organization’s values. LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart
Diversity and  Equity Insert the types of the diversity and equity observed in the organization.
Inclusion Insert examples of overall involvement of diverse groups inclusion in decision-making and process change.
Goal Identify the goal set for organizational change.
Strategy Identify the implementation strategies followed to implement the organizational change.
Communication Identify the communication methods used to communicate organizational change and the change progress.

Organizational Perceptions

Considering the same organizational culture and change goal, rate your agreement from 1 to 5 in the second column with the statement in the first column. Use the following scale:

  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Somewhat disagree
  3. Neither agree nor disagree
  4. Somewhat agree
  5. Strongly agree
Statement Rating (1 – 5)
Employees know the organization’s vision.  
Employees know the organization’s mission.  
Employees know the organization’s purpose.  
Employees know the organization’s values.  
Overall, the organization is diverse and equitable. LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart
Diverse groups are included in decision making and processes for change.  
The change goal was successfully met. LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart
The implementation strategies were effective.  
The organization’s communication about the change was effective.  


Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change

Consider the goal for organizational change that you identified and the existing organizational culture.

For each of Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change listed in the first column, rate whether you observed that step during the implementation process in the second column. Use the following scale to rate your observation:

  1. Never observed
  2. Rarely observed
  3. Sometimes observed
  4. Often observed

Identify actions you suggest for improvement in the third column.

Step Name Rating (1 – 4) Suggested Actions for Improvement
Step 1: Create Urgency.   LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart
Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition.    
Step 3: Create a Vision for Change.    
Step 4: Communicate the Vision.    
Step 5: Remove Obstacles.    
Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins.    
Step 7: Build on the Change.   LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart
Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.    
LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart - Homework Solution

LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart – Homework Solution

LDRCB/535 Final Course Reflection




Date LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart

Question 1.

Importance of Aligning Organizations’ Culture, Values, Vision, Mission, and Strategies

In the contemporary changing business context, enterprises that clearly identify their culture, purpose, and vision and engage strategies and values to support them are well poised for long-term success as they know why they exist and how they intend to achieve their goals. Therefore, aligning a company’s culture, values, vision, mission, and strategies serve as roadmap to keep organizations on track and working to achieve their stated goals (Branson, 2018). Similarly, organizations that are aligned make informed judgments and incur less time in execution with their workers focused on their work. LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart

Use of a Leadership Approach to Support Change within an Organization

A successful organizational transformation is determined by the leadership approach employed. Organizational change is fundamental in boosting employee morale and encouraging constructive cooperation and job enrichment. The laissez-faire leadership approach is best poised to support change within an organization as their leaders have a trusting and reliant attitude toward their employees, and this is the core motivator for change in the organization. Besides, laissez-faire leadership don’t micromanage and they don’t provide unnecessary direction or instruction (Hanelt et al., 2021). These leaders allow their task force to use their expertise, creativity, and resources to help them reach their aims.

Use of One Strategy to Create Positive Organizational Change

Since organizational change is guided by people, I will ensure that the strategy of putting people (i.e., work force) first will steer in creating a positive change in my current workplace. This is because the staff are supposed to be prioritized in order to achieve successful change in the organization as they drive change and have it going. When the involved people don’t believe in, comprehend, or take part in the change, the endeavor is likely fails. Consequently, as an entrepreneur, I will facilitate the change by including employees in the process proactive change communication that enhances the change desire throughout the workforce.  LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart

LDR 535 Week 5: Organizational Change Chart – Homework Solution

Question 2.

Beneficial Assignments or Learning Activities from This Course

The assignment that covered organizational culture and changes in the organization influenced and benefited me greatly. I learnt that developing a successful organizational culture influenced every aspect of the firm, from tone and punctuality to workers perks and contract conditions. Therefore, when an organization culture is in line with the taskforce needs, they are more probable to be respected and supported. Besides, tasks on organizational change made me realize that successfully implemented changes can influence the success of the organization.

Area of improvement in this course

I recommend that interactive session be often utilized to enhance the learning experience of the course. Interactive learning session assists learners in remembering material and applying it in suitable contexts, as well as preparing them for future responsibilities and roles by strengthening their interpersonal and problem-solving abilities (Hanelt et al., 2021).


Branson, C. M. (2018). Achieving organisational change through values alignment. Journal of Educational Administration.

Hanelt, A., Bohnsack, R., Marz, D., & Antunes Marante, C. (2021). A systematic review of the literature on digital transformation: Insights and implications for strategy and organizational change. Journal of Management Studies, 58(5), 1159-1197.

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